Global Pre Intermediate Coursebook Pdf Download
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Global by Macmillan - General English Course for Adults
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Macmillan Global Global is a ground-breaking 6-level adult course for today's learners of English. It enables you to learn English as it is used in our globalised world, to learn through English using information-rich topics and texts, and to learn about English as an international language.
The topics throughout the Coursebook have been chosen to appeal to an adult learner's curiosity, and to reflect material that they would naturally read for pleasure in their native language. Critical thinking skills are promoted through the choice of topics and the way the material is exploited.
Global Digital allows you to display the Coursebook pages while also making all of the associated multimedia assets (audio, video, interactive activities) instantly accessible. It features a complete set of tools for working with and creating content in the Teacher's Area, and is platform independent. This means Global Digital can be used with any interactive whiteboard or even with a simple projector and laptop combination.
The comprehensive Teacher's Book pack contains a wide range of materials for teachers using the course. These include background information and language notes, lesson plans, answer keys and ideas for adapting 'global' activities to local contexts. The Teacher's Book comes with a Teacher's Resource CD which contains photocopiable worksheets, with a mixture of unit-specific and more general activities. The CD also contains tests for use with the course.
The Global workbook complements and expands on the content of the coursebook and contains the language practice of the eWorkbook in an easy-to-use printed format. The workbook also includes an audio CD for use with listening and pronunciation activities.
Key Features:
- Information-rich course, you learn English and you learn in English
- International appeal, culturally appropriate, aware of the needs of learners to speak to other non-native speakers as well as to native speakers
- Reading texts help develop critical thinking skills as well as comprehension skills
- Innovative e-Workbook that allows learners to do activities on paper or electronically and includes additional resources for ongoing learning outside the classroom and plenty of listening and pronunciation practice
- Strong lexical focus with Vocabulary extra boxes.
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Click on title - download, click on number - full description
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- Macmillan Global Advanced Coursebook - ISBN: 978-0-230-03327-6
- Macmillan Global Advanced Class Audio
- Macmillan Global Advanced Workbook - ISBN: 978-0-230-43033-4
- Macmillan Global Advanced Teachers book - ISBN: 978-0-230-03334-4
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